Saturday, April 26, 2008

What a beautiful day!

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day!! Nothing is better here in the PacNW then a sunny mid 70's day with a slight breeze. Ahhh, what a nice break from the rain.

My garden is officially planted. I have corn, green beans, carrots, onion, peppers, cucumber, rosemary, pumpkin, tomatoes and as the request of my hubby, rhubarb. Today we got some raspberry plants too. Now I just need to learn how to make pickles, jam and how to can. I guess I'll have to buy the strawberries to make strawberry rhubarb pie...yum. I also have to figure out how to keep the neighbor kids out of the garden.

I'm still working on getting the babies into cloth diapers. I have a few made but not enough for even a full day in cloth. It's difficult with two babies to find the time to sit and sew for more then a few moments at a time. So today I had to go and buy disposable diapers again. grrrr. I hate that. But I thought in a quest to be more green, I would walk to Target instead of drive. I know that in no way off sets the use of disposable diapers but it's something. Anyway, I loaded the kids into the double stroller and headed out for the 2 mile round trip walk. Fortunately they enjoy the stroller rides. Sharrah sits in the front and giggles and babbles the whole way there. David falls asleep. We go and find the cheapest diapers possible and I'm hoping that these will be the last "sposies" that I will have to purchase. Time will tell I guess. At least I saved a little bit of gas and got some good exercise in.

While I was digging the weeds out of the front flower beds (which have no flowers in them) I noticed a lot of ants. I didn't find any RAID, but thats not a green solution anyway right? So I used the vinegar, lemon, tea tree and water solution that I had used for cleaning. I have no idea if it will do anything to the ants, maybe their "home" will just be really clean. LOL.

Until next time....


Unknown said...

I think it's pretty cool you are making your own diapers! Have you thought about buying some prefolds to suplement what you have made so far? They are quite cheap and easy to use with a snappi. I think you would even save money over buying disposables until you get to finish sewing.
( if you have questions and would like to talk to a diapering consultant)

Jade said...

I'm envious of your garden. :) I can't wait until I don't live in a borrowed house so I can have one too.