Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First try....

I made my first cloth diaper. It is not pretty by any means, but it would work as a diaper except for the elastic in the leg opening. I tried the clear elastic but it just didn't work out. So I bought a different kind today, so I will rip that seam out and try the new elastic.

My goal was to get the recycling out on Monday. Well I must confess that I didn't get it out. But none of the recyclables were thrown away, they are in the garage waiting for next Monday.

I bought vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda for cleaning products today. Good natural green cleaners! But I don't have the heart to throw out all my other cleaners. It seams like such a waste of money. I cleaned some of the floor with vinegar and lemon, but you sure don't smell the lemon at all, whew....vinegar stinks, but the floor sure is shiny in that spot! I need to do the windows.

My next adventure is to get a garden plot dug out in the back yard. I want to grow corn, tomatoes, peas, carrots, bell peppers, onions, and some herbs. We'll see if I can actually grow something!


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