Thursday, April 3, 2008

First blog....

I have definately known about the green lifestyle for a long time. Have I lived that way? I have to confess, no, I haven't. I even admit to throwing away a soda can or two instead of recycling it. This blog will be my confessional as I try to live a greener lifestyle. I want to reseach products that are not only green, but also cost effective. I want to live a green and FRUGAL lifestyle. I know it is possible, but I also know that my husband will probably fight it at times. But that will just have to be my test as to how determined I am.

My first task is going to be taking recycling to heart. If I recycled all that I could, I would probably be able to have only one garbage can. Well, maybe not, with two infants in diapers, that is alot of garbage space. I know I need to change to a green diaper option, but that is for another blog and goal.

This week, my goal is to put out my recycling bins with the garbage on Monday morning. I will not throw away any cardboard, or mixed paper, cans, or glass. That will all be on the curb.

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